Star Wars Outlaws – Scoundrels Only, No Nerf Herders

Source: Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN Star Wars Outlaws – Scoundrels Only, No Nerf Herders

A Jedi Free Zone?

If you want to jabber with Jabba or collude with the Crimson Dawn then Star Wars Outlaws is just your kind of game.  Hang out with the major players in the underworld, or be tossed out by them if your rep ain’t wide spread enough to impress them.  This is a bit of a different Star Wars game, in that many of the things that made the franchise famous don’t show up, at least not in the trailer over at Rock, Paper, SHOTGUN.  There are certainly lots of Stormtroopers, but they’re busy dealing with the Rebellion so it is a perfect time to do some crime.

The third person, single player style will certainly be recognizable, and hopefully a little more mouse and keyboard friendly that Jedi Outcast was.  You will also have a little helper just like Cal Kestis did, albeit one a bit on the scalier side.  The cut scenes certainly look gorgeous, but the amount of actual game play, enhanced or not, is lacking.  The suggestion that there will be dogfights is also interesting, if pulled off well.

We will see more as we approach Star Wars Outlaws’ launch on August 30th

It really feels like they're keeping a lot of the headline Star Wars stuff at a respectful distance for this one: yes, Jabba the Hutt makes an appearance, but there's nary a whiff of The Force, Jedi or Sith in the trailer and not once does anybody build a Death Star.

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About The Author

Jeremy Hellstrom

Call it,, or PC Perspective, Jeremy has been hanging out and then working with the gang here for years. Apart from the front page you might find him on the BOINC Forums or possibly the Fraggin' Frogs if he has the time.

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