Yesterday, at the end of my Athlon FX-60 processor reivew I told you that the price of these parts were supposed to be just over $1000 when they went for sale. Well today I found a few of them in a couple of different locations and they prices are much higher.
Two e-tailers are showing them as being in stock: Newegg has it for $1399 and ZipZoomFly has it for sale for $1139. The Newegg price is way out of line and the ZZF price is close, but still higher than it should be. Monarch Computer is showing an ETA of January 30th and price of $1159.
I surely hope these prices will be coming down this month, as that will mean prices on the other, more reasonable Athlon X2 processors will come down as well. At $1100+, AMD is either trying to send a message that they are the best CPU choice out there or that they no longer really care about the enthusiasts that got them there in the first place.